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Slanted Escalator Chess. Chess on an asymmetric board with interesting connectivity. (8x8, Cells: 60) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Peter Aronson wrote on Tue, Apr 9, 2002 04:05 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
This is something new in a way, or at least something not often done. It is a game where the two sides, while having the same movement, have different board topologies to deal with in the opening and midgame, and I think it an interesting idea. Now, if there was just some way to determine if it was balanced . . .

gnohmon wrote on Wed, Apr 10, 2002 04:55 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Very interesting.

1. At first sight, the board seems unbalanced because a Black R at b6
both b2 and c2, but a WR b3 does not get its power doubled.

I would suggest that in the long run this advantage is much greater than
W's advantage of first move.

2. The Bf1 can't go to c4, right? Perhaps Bishops should be replaced by
something else. (Not zFF, that would increase Black's advantage.)

3. A Knightrider on a6 attacks both f2 and e2, right? And a Rose on h6
attacks both d3 and e3, and therefore... interesting.

💡📝David Short wrote on Wed, Apr 10, 2002 05:22 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
gnohmon, you're wrong about a few things. first of all,
while black rooks can control double files if they are on the
a,b,g, or h files, a white rook on the b-file would control
both the a-file and b-file, and likewise a white rook on the 
g-file controls both the g-file and h-file. Download the ZRF
and you'll see. 

Bishops may seem weak but they may yet have a purpose in the game.
It may be true that their ability to penetrate the other side of
the board and attack is more difficult, but they'll still be
pretty good as stay-at-home defenders. Note however that white
bishops at a3 or h3 control very long diagonals (bishop at a3 
attacks e8, bishop at h3 attacks d8)

and while black may be able to control the outside files with
his rooks faster, white should be able to occupy the escalator
squares more quickly. In order that white does not get an overwhelming
advantage in the game, I gave black the first move. Time will tell
if the game is balanced sufficiently or not.

Incidentally, if anyone who has ZILLIONS OF GAMES would like to

or both, with me by email, drop me a line at [email protected]
We can email each other the notation and record and save our games

What I really like about SLANTED ESCALATOR CHESS is that not only
is there interesting connectivity around the board, but that it's
going to be a bit challenging for each side to try to navigate the
board to get to the other side and get a good attack going. 
Should make things very interesting!

gnohmon wrote on Wed, Apr 10, 2002 05:40 AM UTC:
Um, okay, but Black has 2 doublings on each flank and W only one; and
1...a7-b6 already exploits a doubling to tie W down a tiny bit. 

Have you considered slanted escalators on a 9x9 board?

On the 8x8 board, it seems to me that the clumsiness of Bishops should be
regarded as an opportunity to find some other piece that fits the game
better. Perhaps not as strong as a Rhinorider.

Pieces have to use their own movement powers, so isn't it more of a
staircase than an escalator? And so wouldn't ascending pieces get tired?

It's too late at night, I'm getting silly.

Tony Paletta wrote on Wed, Apr 10, 2002 02:40 PM UTC:
Agree with gnohmon that there is an imbalance. Suggest reversing e-side escalator and transposing one side's royals (e.g., Kd1 and Qe1).

George Duke wrote on Fri, May 9, 2008 07:17 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Excellent 60 squares only from 2002.

George Duke wrote on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 05:16 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
As Pawns, Crabs move diagonally forward one ''neutrally'' i.e. non-capturing too. Notice Betza, ''gnohmon,'' comments twice. Aronson says, ''the two sides have different board topologies,'' All I said about it is that 50-60 square-range is very rare, finding fewer than half dozen examples early 2008, when trying to compare Simplified Chess at 56 squares. [We would not say ''neutrally'' actually since the normal Pawn-capture also applies. How about: Crab is ''forward Ferz plus forward-neutral Wazir'' as way to characterize it, still yet without regard for the special connectivity -- or the initial orthogonal two-step choice; well heck with it, just read Short's more-than-adequate description.]

George Duke wrote on Tue, Nov 25, 2008 11:34 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
Betza commented favourably on the original Slanted Escalator one on small board, before the expansion to 84 by Short for the contest of that size. Scroll back and read Betza's keen interest.

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